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180 videos

Hans Rosling: The good news of the decade?
The art of choosing | Sheena Iyengar | TED
Julian Assange: Why the world needs WikiLeaks
Marian Bantjes: Intricate beauty by design
Can we eat to starve cancer? | William Li
Jeremy Jackson: How we wrecked the ocean
Mike deGruy: Hooked by an octopus

Mike deGruy: Hooked by an octopus


Science can answer moral questions | Sam Harris
Pawan Sinha on how brains learn to see
Teach every child about food | Jamie Oliver
Anthony Atala: Growing new organs

Anthony Atala: Growing new organs


Asia's rise -- how and when | Hans Rosling
Stefan Sagmeister: The power of time off
The puzzle of motivation | Dan Pink | TED
Are we in control of our decisions? | Dan Ariely
Your elusive creative genius | Elizabeth Gilbert
Earth's mass extinctions | Peter Ward
Paul Sereno: What can fossils teach us?
Dan Barber: A surprising parable of foie gras
Tim Brown: Tales of creativity and play
The psychology of evil | Philip Zimbardo
Close-up card magic with a twist | Lennart Green
Kevin Kelly: The next 5,000 days of the web
My year of living biblically | A.J. Jacobs
What's wrong with what we eat | Mark Bittman