TED channel

Indonesian subtitles ・ 543 videos

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How racism makes us sick | David R. Williams
The data behind Hollywood's sexism | Stacy Smith
How to speak up for yourself | Adam Galinsky
Can a divided America heal? | Jonathan Haidt
The future of money | Neha Narula

The future of money | Neha Narula


The new American Dream | Courtney Martin
My journey from Marine to actor | Adam Driver | TED
The laws that sex workers really want | Juno Mac
The mind behind Linux | Linus Torvalds | TED
How Airbnb designs for trust | Joe Gebbia
The case for fish farming | Mike Velings
How CRISPR lets us edit our DNA | Jennifer Doudna
How to find work you love | Scott Dinsmore

How to find work you love | Scott Dinsmore


Bring on the learning revolution! | Ken Robinson