TED-Ed channel

Hebrew subtitles ・ 1,660 videos

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The woman who stared at the sun - Alex Gendler
How long should your naps be? - Sara C. Mednick
Whatever happened to acid rain? - Joseph Goffman
How to see with sound - Jacques S. Abramowicz
A brief history of the devil - Brian A. Pavlac
Why every world map is wrong - Kayla Wolf
Ugly History: The Spanish Inquisition - Kayla Wolf
4 different ways you can power a car

4 different ways you can power a car


How do antidepressants work? - Neil R. Jeyasingam
How much land does it take to power the world?
How scientists turn lakes into giant batteries
The “myth” of the boiling frog

The “myth” of the boiling frog
