தமிழ் வசன வீடியோக்களுடன் ஆங்கிலம் கற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள்!

797 videos

William Kamkwamba: How I harnessed the wind
The puzzle of motivation | Dan Pink | TED
Kevin Surace invents eco-friendly drywall
Yves Behar's supercharged motorcycle design
Alex Tabarrok on how ideas trump crises
Mosquitos, malaria and education | Bill Gates
Andy Hobsbawm: Do the green thing

Andy Hobsbawm: Do the green thing


Adam Grosser: A mobile fridge for vaccines
New thinking on the climate crisis | Al Gore
Isabel Allende: Tales of passion | TED
Majora Carter: Greening the ghetto | TED